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Wellness Chiropractic in Shrewsbury

dr george back adjustmentIf you’re like many people, you likely get your vehicle serviced at recommended intervals to keep it driving smoothly. Or you visit the dentist to get a checkup every six months. But do you likewise prioritize your spinal health by getting regular chiropractic care? Cars can be replaced (and teeth, too), but spines can’t, which is why we encourage patients to come up for maintenance or wellness care.

So, what exactly is that?

“Wellness or maintenance care is about sustaining a state of health that allows you to function pain-free, with good flexibility and strength,” said Dr. Steve. It helps you perform your daily activities without any restrictions, ensuring that your nervous system works optimally. This type of care isn’t just for when you’re in pain; it’s about keeping your body in top condition to prevent issues from arising.

Personalized Maintenance Plans

So how often should you get chiropractic care? It depends on your lifestyle and occupation. For those with physically demanding jobs, visits every two weeks might be beneficial. Retirees or those with less strenuous activities might only need to come in every eight weeks. On average, patients visit once a month, but there’s no set schedule. The goal is to determine what works best for you individually.

Initially, treatment focuses on alleviating pain and restoring normal function, flexibility, mobility, and strength. Once these goals are achieved, maintenance care ensures that you don’t revert to your previous state, maintaining your progress.

The Importance of Regular Adjustments

You may think that you need to be in pain to benefit from chiropractic care. The reality is that most adjustments are preventative. Regular adjustments stimulate the nervous system, keeping reflexes sharp to keep your balance sharp, especially as you age. This proactive approach helps prevent small issues from turning into significant problems.

According to some research, pain patterns are learned by the brain and nervous system, but with regular care, these patterns can be reprogrammed so you can feel good again.

Lifetime chiropractic adjustments keep your nervous system really sharp, keep everything firing the way it’s supposed to. Once you figure that out, it’s a slam dunk. It’s a no-brainer. Just gotta maintain it. It’s not rocket science
Dr. Steve.

Aging Gracefully With Chiropractic Care

Once you reach a certain age, you don’t have to resign yourself to a rocking chair. Regular chiropractic adjustments help keep the nervous system firing on all cylinders, preventing the loss of reflexes and balance. This maintenance is vital to avoid injuries from falls and to sustain an active lifestyle.

Chiropractic care also helps you stay active so you can continue to enjoy activities like gardening, golfing, traveling, and playing with your grandkids well into your golden years.

Take the First Step Toward Wellness

Keep your spine tuned up—book a maintenance adjustment at our practice today!



Wellness Chiropractic | (508) 425-3304